Saturday, February 6, 2010

Welcome... My Fellow Monkeys

Imagine seeing the world in a different perspective.

A perspective that is somewhat dehumanizing, morally-unconcern but somehow useful perspective.

I am standing in a huge party with light flashing all around and people getting high. Looking into the happy face of people. All in a sudden they start looking like monkey. That face that feature, you can't actually see much different the way people look from the monkeys from discovery channel. At this time on your whole perspective changed. You start seeing how social dynamic had govern us. And you wonder "Why the hell is everyone so happy socializing?" because evolution engineering told us to.

To be honest it is very depressing to see the world in this perspective where you think even yourself is just an animal that is governed highly by the force of evolution.

On the bright side. You see yourself and everyone else being so constrained to their gene. You will realize that stuff can be manipulated. Seemingly complicated social interaction can be decoded into easily replicable piece/theory. You find your own unpredictable emotion and motivation start to show a bit of pattern. And life seems easier.

This is how I come up with the idea of this blog. To contribute a bit of value to people who is devoted to self improvement (especially my fellow pick up artist) and simply providing some interesting read for people.
